Designing a citizen legislature for the 21st century
New Hampshire working families are under-represented in our state legislature
In order for New Hampshire to be a resilient place where young people -and all people- can live, work and raise a family, we need a legislature that represents our state.
The legislature is composed of hardworking volunteer citizens who have chosen, largely at their own expense, to become self-taught experts in the people’s business. But the increasing demands of New Hampshire’s expanding economy, vital industries, and interconnectedness with the rest of the world necessitate a change to keep pace with our changing state.
It’s time to listen to the voices on both sides of the aisle pointing out the need for reform.
Quick Facts
Key Problems
Issues of Accessibility
Chaotic and Inconsistent Scheduling
Lack of a Remote Participation Option
Legislators and staff do not have access to child care, eliminating the option of serving for many young parents.
Legislator pay is inconsistent with the amount of time legislators dedicate to serving
Issues of Efficiency and Efficacy
Large numbers of bills, with many bills overlapping in content
Insufficient and underpaid support staff
Lack of consistent Senate and House Rules
Lack of ethics guidelines
Limited training for new members
The Pathway to a 21st-Century Legislature
Without changing the underlying values of the legislature, the State House can become more representative of the people it serves.
We believe that with some key reforms, serving in the State House can become a much more real possibility for many people resulting in a Legislature that looks like the people they represent. We hope to educate the public, build a coalition, and create change.
Why are these issues connected?
An effective and representative state legislature will serve our state well, and help to shepherd New Hampshire through challenges in coming decades.
In order to achieve our aspirational goal of a truly representative democracy, we need to reform how the state house works.
Many of the inefficiencies that come from the large size, number of bills, and complexity of the process can be helped by creating clearer rules and more accountability.
These reforms will not only make the legislative process more effective but also allow for more diversity in our state legislature including younger people and working professionals.
New Hampshire deserves a citizen legislature fit for the 21st century.
What can you do?
Come to one of our Legislative Reform Education events to learn more about some of the problems facing the State House or host a gathering to help educate your friends and neighbors on the issues!